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                Product Series

                Integrate R&D, production, sales and service, providing complete solutions and after-sales service for transformer components, box change measurement, control, protection and monitoring systems

                Product Series

                Integrate R&D, production, sales and service, providing complete solutions and after-sales service for transformer components, box change measurement, control, protection and monitoring systems

                Juneng for the future-Power system solution service provider

                Technology promotes development, and innovation leads the future. In the future development strategy, Beijing Huafu Juneng will focus on technology precipitation, develop new products, and continue to focus on on-site communication and protection system solutions to meet the needs of intelligent operation and maintenance of user sites while deepening the innovation of main products. As our own responsibility, we are committed to the whole process of service from individual products to customized system solutions, and contribute to improving the level of integrated automation and intelligent operation and maintenance management of users' power stations, and we are determined to become a trusted brand service provider.

                Numerous customer cases
                Putting into equipment

                With meticulous manufacturing and sincerity in service, users are assured of product quality and adored by the Huafu Juneng brand.

                • [International Project News] Huafu Juneng sha...

                  Under the current favorable situation where Chinese manufacturing is focused on the worl...

                • Application of distributed photovoltaic intel...

                  On June 25, 2019, the PV poverty alleviation village-level power station in Baoyang Vill...

                • [International Project News] Asia-Pacific'...

                  On May 27, 2019, the Vietnam Hongfeng 1A&1B photovoltaic power plant booster station, wh...

                • [Acceptance announcement] Qingdao Yaozhi Tech...

                  According to the "Interim Measures for the Acceptance of Environmental Protection for th...

                Huafu Juneng—continue to focus on on-site communication and protection system solutions

                Beijing huafu juneng in the future development strategy, while deepening the innovation of the main products, we will concentrate on technology precipitation, develop new products, and continue to focus on the existing ground communication and protection system solutions to meet the needs of intelligent operation and maintenance of user sites. The whole-process service from individual products to customized system solutions contributes to improving the level of integrated automation and intelligent operation and maintenance of users' power stations, and is determined to become a trustworthy brand service provider.

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                • WeChat public account